Duration of the program: 4 years (8 semesters)
Program description:
The program is aimed at ambitious students who hold a master’s degree in mathematics. The doctoral students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in various fields of mathematics. The program consists of advanced theoretical and practical courses that develop research and analytical skills. The students will have the opportunity to work with experienced and recognized scientists in their fields, allowing them to develop their own research projects. In addition to courses, participation in scientific seminars, conferences, etc., is expected. The program also includes the development of skills in writing scientific articles and presenting research results. As part of the program, lectures by visiting professors in mathematics fields of interest to the doctoral students are planned.
The key topics covered in the study program include: differential geometry, group theory and Lie algebras, symplectic geometry and topology, mathematical physics, nonlinear integrable systems, fuzzy set theory, algebraic topology, commutative and homological algebra, category theory, ergodic theory and topological dynamical systems.
Career opportunities:
Graduates possess knowledge and skills in the field of mathematics and higher education didactics. Graduates will be well-prepared to pursue an academic career and continue their scientific research in domestic and international academic institutions. They will also be prepared to take up professional positions in various sectors of the economy.
Key words:
ORCID Number: 0000-0003-3808-5882
Department/Chair/Institute: Chair of Applied Computer Science and Mathematical Modeling
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: +48 784 475 020
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:
Academic Discipline:
Academic Achievement Indicators:
Supervision Availability:
Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:
Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-1640-2843
Department/Chair/Institute: Chair of Analysis and Differential Equations
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48-663-796-083
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:
Academic Discipline:
Academic Achievement Indicators:
Supervision Availability:
Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:
Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-1973-1335
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of the Analysis and Differential Equations
Faculty: Mathematics and Informatics
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Tel: 504 894 348
ResearchGate Account: Mikhail Borsuk
Academic Discipline: Mathematics
Academic Achievement Indicators:
I will take on the supervision of:
a Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
a Foreign Doctoral Student: No
Scientific Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:
Boundary value elliptic problems, linear and nonlinear in nonsmooth domains.
Funds or Special Equipment Required for the Doctoral Project:
Additional Info:
In total, I have 79 scientific publications, including 4 scientific monographs. The first scientific paper was published in 1965, when there was no internet yet.