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Successes of our PhD students
Doctoral School
About our doctoral school
Head of the Doctoral School
PhD students
The Teaching staff
Scientific Council of the Doctoral School
Programme description
Doctoral School programme
Learning outcomes for the Doctoral School
Scientific Disciplines
Legal Acts
About the programme
STER NAWA – Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools
Current recruitments opportunities
Documents and regulations
Tasks carried out as part of the project
Scholarships for the best foreign doctoral student
International mobility of doctoral students
Registration deadlines
Admission limits
Supervisors and research topics
Recruitment documents
PhD students
Our PhD students
Mid-term evaluation
Individual research plan
Scholarship and insurance
Travelling for doctoral students
Completion of training and submission of a doctoral dissertation
Extension of training programme
Equal treatment
Industrial doctoral programme
Teaching Staff
Year I
dr hab. Marek Salamonowicz, Assoc. Prof.
Ethics in science and intellectual property law
dr hab. Joanna Klepacka, prof. UWM
Teaching methods in higher education
Dr hab. Ewelina Olba-Zięty
Statistical methods for science
prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz Stolarski
Preparation of scientific projects and commercialization of research results
prof. dr hab. Jarosław Całka
Principles of writing of scientific publications and preparation of congress presentations
dr hab. inż. Woźny Maciej, prof. UWM
Methods of data visualization in scientific studies
dr hab. Wolny Miron, prof. UWM
History of science
mgr Trevor Hill
Promoting and presenting
prof. dr hab. wet. Andrzej Rychlik
Field seminars
Year II
dr hab. inż. Mariusz Gusiatin, prof. UWM
The role of environmental engineering in civilization
prof. dr hab. inż. Paweł Wielgosz
GNSS systems and their application in scientific research
prof. dr hab. wet. Bogdan Lewczuk
Modern cell and tissue imaging techniques
prof. dr hab. Nina Smolińska
Advanced methods of molecular biology
prof. dr hab. wet. Andrzej Rychlik
Field seminars
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