Travelling for doctoral students


In accordance with the Rector’s Order No. 96/2021 of 21 October 2021, any doctoral student planning to go abroad should submit a completed application for travel abroad to the International Cooperation Office (p.221 A). In addition, an original travel reimbursement agreement in duplicate should be attached.

The document must be submitted at least 10 days before departure. Submission of an application in violation of the deadline will result in the case being left unprocessed.


The application for travel abroad shall be completed by the person going on a foreign business trip.

The application should be printed on both sides.

The application for travel abroad is signed by the person going abroad and the financial subject leader. The doctoral student shall then submit the application to:

to the head of his/her organisational unit,

to the dean for approval of the trip,

to the Director of the Doctoral School with a request for approval of the trip with the opinion of the supervisor(s).

The form should be submitted to BWM (p. 221 A).

The application should be accompanied by documents relating to the trip – e.g. invitation (letter, e-mail, fax), conference programme.

In the case of a research internship trip, an individual qualification programme should also be attached.


In order to make pre-departure changes to the application for travel abroad, an application for changes to the application for travel abroad should be submitted to the International Cooperation Office.


The employee must settle the costs of the business trip within 14 days of returning home. Failure to meet the settlement deadline will result in the expatriate being charged with the amount of the advance collected.

In order to settle the business trip, the employee will present the business trip mission, a statement of board and lodging, boarding passes, tickets or electronic boarding pass information, and – in the case of scientific conferences, workshops, and foreign internships – a confirmation of participation.

In accordance with Appendix 4 to the Working Regulations, in the case of a trip of more than 14 days, the academic staff member shall submit a trip report upon his/her return.

In accordance with Resolution No. 224 of the Senate of the University of Warmia and Mazury, in the case of a trip for a research internship, an academic staff member shall, upon return, submit a report on the trip and a document confirmed by the unit, a programme for the realisation of the qualification improvement.


In the case of trip cancellation, an employee is obliged to notify the International Cooperation Office in writing.

For more information on trips: