Socio-economic geography
and spatial management

Socio-economic geography and spatial management

Duration of the programme: 4 years (8 semesters)

Program description:

The study programme aims to teach doctoral students contemporary research methods, techniques and methodology for implementing acquired knowledge and skills for PhD dissertations, preparation of research projects and commercialization of research results. The program includes obligatory courses highlighting basic and applied sciences and lectures in various fields by visiting professors.

The most important topics covered by the program include advanced research methods in socio-economic geography and spatial economics, contemporary paradigms of the relationship between humans, economics and the environment, preparation of scientific projects and commercialization of research results, advanced quantitative and qualitative methods in scientific research,  teaching at a university, seminars and professional practice.

The program provides PhD students with the knowledge, skills and competencies to develop their ideas and concepts, preparation of research projects, as well as to solve problems creatively.

Career opportunities:

The graduates have the knowledge and skills in the field of socio-economic geography and spatial management, and academic teaching.

The PhD programme graduates will be well prepared to take postdoc trainings, continue research and work in academia, domestic and foreign research institutions, and work in institutions and entities in the economic environment and in state or local government administration.


  • geography
  • socio-economic geography
  • land management
  • spatial planning
  • real estate management
  • real estate market
  • geographic information system
  • spatial data analytics
  • environment management
  • tourism

Candidates for PhD Supervisors

ORCID Number: 0000-0002-4716-1069
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Institute of Spatial Management and Geography
Faculty: Faculty of Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: 89 523 35 88
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 29
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 148
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 9
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 602
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 13
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 0
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:
Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
Foreign Doctoral Student: No

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Modeling of spatial, demographic, and socioeconomic changes
  2. Analysis of urbanization processes and their spatial, environmental, social, and economic effects
  3. Optimization and polyoptimization of spatial structures
  4. Analysis of the dynamics of landscape transformation in connection with urbanization processes

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Land Management, Institute of Spatial Management and Geography
Faculty: Faculty of Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: (089) 523 42 61
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Socio-economic geography and spatial management

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 31/36
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 247/343
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 9/10
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 673
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 15
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 0
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:
Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (2) / No
Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (2) 

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Development trends in urban expansion on an international scale
  2. Application of new technologies for visualization of urban development in urban planning
  3. Application of virtualization in the sustainable development of the smart city
  4. The concept of friendly city in terms of social needs
  5. Development trends of green and blue infrastructure in cities

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-0324-1726
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Tourism, Recreation and Ecology, Institute of Engineering and Environmental Protection
Faculty: Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 606 708 648
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Socio-economic geography and spatial management

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 21/32
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 159/193
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 8/8
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 374
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 11
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 0
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:
Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (one)
Foreign Doctoral Student: No

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Sustainable development of tourism
  2. Tourism in rural areas
  3. Tourism development in the lake districts

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Institute of Spatial Management and Geography, Department of Real Estate and Urban Systems
Faculty: The Faculty of Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: 531 678 987
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Economics and Finance

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 42/50
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 208/414
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 11/14
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1009
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 18
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 2
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 3

Supervision Availability:
Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (2)
Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (2)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  • Transforming Taxation Systems: Societal and Technological Aspects in Property Valuation
  • Real Estate Mass Appraisal Methods: Exploring New Approaches and Challenges
  • The Architecture of Real Estate Decision Support Systems
  • The Engineering of Real Estate Information Modelling
  • Artificial Intelligence Methods and Behavioural Economics in Real Estate Market Modelling

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-4812-4515
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Land Management / Institute of Spatial Management and Geography
Faculty: Faculty of Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Tel: +48 502 289 193
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account: ResearchGate Profile
Academic Discipline: Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management

Academic Achievement Indicators:

Number of Publications According to the WoS/Scopus Database: 30
Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 103
Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 7
Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 242
Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 8
Number of Promoted Doctors: 1
Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision of Doctoral Students:

Will Take on the Supervision of a Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
Will Take on the Supervision of a Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (1)

Scientific Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting Real Estate Market Trends: Integration with VR Tools
    Hypothesis: The integration of artificial intelligence with virtual reality (VR) tools facilitates more accurate forecasting of real estate market trends and optimizes investment portfolios.
    Justification: AI can analyze vast amounts of market data, identifying key trends and forecasting future changes in the real estate market. Combining these forecasts with VR visualizations can assist investors in making more informed decisions, minimizing risk, and maximizing returns.

  2. The Role of Augmented Reality in Geovisualisation of Spatial Conflicts: A Case Study of Infrastructure Development in Rural Areas
    Hypothesis: Augmented reality (AR) can serve as an effective tool for geovisualization and resolution of spatial conflicts related to infrastructure development in rural areas.
    Justification: Spatial conflicts from infrastructure developments, such as roads or power lines, are common in rural regions. AR can present various development scenarios and their spatial impacts, facilitating stakeholder dialogue and leading to more acceptable solutions. This study could enhance understanding and management of spatial conflicts from a geographical perspective.

  3. The Impact of Augmented and Virtual Reality on Urban Spatial Planning Processes
    Hypothesis: The application of VR and AR in spatial planning leads to a better understanding and optimization of urban space development.
    Hypothesis: AR and VR technologies can increase community engagement in revitalization processes, leading to more successful outcomes.
    Justification: AR enables realistic visualizations of urban projects, facilitating communication between planners, decision-makers, and residents. This study could demonstrate the effectiveness of VR and AR in public consultations and decision-making processes, contributing to improved urban space management. Revitalizing deprived areas requires the involvement of various social groups. AR and VR can make revitalization processes more accessible and understandable to residents, potentially increasing participation and positively influencing the success of these initiatives.

  4. Artificial Intelligence as a Decision-Support Tool for Predicting Urban Spatial Development Using Virtual Reality
    Hypothesis: The use of AI for predicting spatial development, in conjunction with VR, enables more accurate and forward-looking urban planning.
    Justification: AI can predict urbanization trends and simulate various city development scenarios, while VR can visualize these scenarios, facilitating evaluation and strategic decision-making by city authorities and planners.

  5. The Application of Augmented Reality in Geographical Education: Enhancing the Understanding of Complex Spatial Processes
    Hypothesis: Augmented reality (AR) improves the understanding of complex geographical and spatial processes among students and professionals.
    Justification: AR can visualize dynamic spatial processes, such as migrations, land-use changes, or economic flows, in a more intuitive manner than traditional educational methods. This research could demonstrate that AR is an effective educational tool in socio-economic geography.

Funds or Special Equipment Required for the Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research? Yes
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks? Yes

Numer ORCID:

Katedra Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej / Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Geografii


Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie



Osobista strona www:

Konto w serwisie ResearchGate:

Dyscyplina naukowa:
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna

Wskaźniki dorobku naukowego

  1. Liczba publikacji naukowych WoS/Scopus: 35/35
  2. Liczba cytowań (WoS/Scopus) bez autocytowań: 133/197
  3. Indeks Hirscha (WoS/Scopus): 9/9
  4. Liczba cytowań (Google Scholar): 426
  5. Indeks Hirscha (Google Scholar): 11
  6. Liczba wypromowanych doktorów: 0
  7. Liczba doktorantów pod opieką: 1

Podejmę się opieki nad doktorantem

  • Polskim: Tak (1)
  • Zagranicznym:  Nie

Zainteresowania naukowe lub tematy badawcze oferowane kandydatom

  1. Rozwój zrównoważony i planowanie przestrzenne
  2. Systemy Informacji Geograficznej (GIS)
  3. Modelowanie Zjawisk Przestrzennych
  4. Geostatystyka
  5. Analiza i Wizualizacja Danych Przestrzennych

Fundusze lub specjalny sprzęt potrzebny do realizacji projektu doktorskiego

  1. Czy są środki na pokrycie kosztów badań? Tak
  2. Czy w Laboratorium/Katedrze dostępna jest infrastruktura i odpowiednie zasoby do obsługi zaplanowanych zadań badawczych? Tak