Fine arts and art conservation

Fine arts and art conservation

Duration of studies: 4 years (8 semesters)

Program description:

In the field of the discipline of fine arts and art conservation, doctoral students gain in-depth knowledge of visual arts and artistic creation. Education is carried out through participation in lectures, seminars developing their skills and competences and through internship opportunities in academic and cultural centers. One of the most important elements of doctoral student education are their own artistic researches, achievements and publications. Creative studies, and artistic work is carried out with the use of the university infrastructure and with the support of the interdisciplinary didactic potential of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

Research topics are selected individually due to its artistic and scientific potential and consistency with the interests of the doctoral student. It can cover art and design topics or explore issues on the border of various media.

Graduate profile:

Graduates of the doctoral school within the discipline of fine arts and art conservation are experienced artists and have qualifications to continue artistic and research activities as experts in their field. In particular, graduates are prepared to work at universities with an artistic profile and in cultural institutions in the country and abroad.


  • visual arts
  • fine arts
  • painting
  • graphics
  • sculpture
  • intermedia
  • multimedia
  • graphic design
  • animation
  • photography

Candidates for PhD Supervisors

Department/Institute: Institute of Fine Arts
Department: Art Department
University: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
Telephone: +48 602631544
Personal Website:
Scientific Discipline: Visual Arts and Art Conservation

Indicators of Scientific Achievements:

List of the Candidate’s Most Important Artistic and/or Scientific Achievements:

  • I BICeBé Award 2019 Biennial of Poster Bolivia 2019 / Bienal del Cartel Bolivia. 10,763 works from 87 countries were submitted to the competition. Award in the ‘social poster’ category for the work Looking for love.
  • Award / DAAD research grant Research grant for a 3-month research project “Futuropa – Future of Europe” at the Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • II Prize V PosterFest 2019, Chorzów, in category C: “social poster” for the work Pan z nami!
  • Honourable mention TOP 20 Peru Biennial of Design, poster in the close final of 20 works selected from over 10,000 submissions, for the work Final suicide cut
  • Poster exhibition, Hi Please be invited! Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Art and Design Faculty Gallery, Burdur, Turkey. At the invitation of Dean Prof. Serar Tuna, exhibition curator Prof. Murat Kara; 2021, etc.

Number of Promoted PhDs: 0
Number of PhD Students Under Supervision: 0

Supervision of PhD Students:

  • a) Polish: Yes (1-2)
  • b) Foreign: Yes (1-2)

Academic Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Graphic design, visual communication, visual identity, visual design in interaction, poster, web,
  2. Illustration, multimedia in a variety of contexts
  3. Psychological, health, cultural, experimental, social impact,
  4. Shaping visual spaces
  5. AI, the future of design, etc.

Funds or Special Equipment Needed for the PhD Project:

  1. Are there funds available to cover the costs of research? Yes
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available at the Institute/Laboratory/Department to handle the planned research tasks? Yes

Department/Institute: Art Institute
Department: Arts
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: +48 89524 52 25
Personal Website:
Scientific Discipline: Fine Arts and Conservation of Works of Art

Indicators of Scientific Achievements:

List of the Candidate’s Most Important Artistic and/or Scientific Achievements:

  1. “Ljepota zene,” Galeria Lav Zagreb, Croatia, individual exhibition, 2018.
  2. “Tracce Warmińskie, Opere della Polonia del Nord,” Galeria Laba, Brescia, Italy, 2019.
  3. “PIESINIAI Paroda Vda Kauno Faculteto Biblioteka Muitines 2,” Lithuania, individual exhibition, 2023.

Number of Promoted PhDs: –
Number of PhD Students Under Supervision: –

Supervision of PhD Students:

a) Polish: Yes (1)
b) Foreign: Yes (1)

Academic Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Painting
  2. Drawing
  3. Art history in the field of painting

Funds or Special Equipment Needed for the PhD Project:

  1. Are there funds available to cover the costs of research? No
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available at the Institute/Laboratory/Department to handle the planned research tasks? Yes
  • Department/Institute: Institute of Fine Arts
  • Department: Art Department
  • University: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
  • Telephone: 608848687
  • Email:
  • Personal Website: –
  • Scientific Discipline: Fine Arts and Conservation of Works of Art

Indicators of Scientific Achievements:

  • List of the Candidate’s Most Important Artistic and/or Scientific Achievements:

    • 2023: Award of the President of Olsztyn for lifetime achievement in the field of contemporary art
    • 2022: Grand Prix at the 47th Winter Salon in Radom
    • 2019: Grand Prix at the 11th Olsztyn Art Biennale
    • 2017: 3rd Prize at the 9th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Drawing in Lubaczów
    • 2014: The Prize of the Slovak Union of Visual Artists at the International Drawing Biennial in Pilsen
    • 2014: UWM Rector’s Award for achievements in the scientific field
    • 2012: 2nd Prize of the Chairman of the Kalisz City Council at the Kalisz Biennale of Drawing and Graphics “Trial 1”
    • 2011: Honorable Mention at the 7th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Drawing – Lubaczów 2011
    • 2009: 2nd Honorable Mention at the 6th Olsztyn Art Biennale
    • 2008: 3rd Prize at the 6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Drawing – Lubaczów 2008
    • 2007: 2nd Prize at the 5th Olsztyn Art Biennale
    • 2003: 3rd Prize of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław in the 2nd International Drawing Competition, Wrocław 2003
    • 2003: Grand Prix at the 3rd Olsztyn Art Biennale
    • 2003: 2nd Award of the Director of the Art Gallery in Częstochowa at the 5th Sacred Art Triennial “Towards the Civilization of Life”
    • 2002: Honorable mention at the Exhibition of Painting, Drawing, Graphics and Sculpture, Gdańsk.
  • Number of Promoted PhDs: 0

  • Number of PhD Students Under Supervision: 0

Supervision of PhD Students:

  • Polish: Yes (1)
  • Foreign: Yes (1)

Academic Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Intermedia activities

Funds or Special Equipment Needed for the PhD Project:

  1. Are there funds available to cover the costs of research? Yes
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available at the Institute/Laboratory/Department to handle the planned research tasks? Yes