Current recruitments opportunities

International Mobility of Doctoral Students

We would like to inform that the call for applications for internships within the International Mobility of Doctoral Students from the Project ‘Internationalisation of Research and Transdisciplinary Education at the Doctoral School UWM in Olsztyn’ implemented within the STER NAWA programme, for doctoral students of the Doctoral School UWM in Olsztyn has been opened. The project is implemented by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn under an agreement with the National Agency for Academic Exchange and funded by NAWA. The main objective of the Programme is systemic support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools.
Exchanges should be carried out until 30.12.2026 at the latest. The duration of mobility is a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 2 months.

You can find more information about it here.

Scholarships for the best foreign doctoral students

We would like to inform you that the call for applications for NAWA Scholarships for the best foreign doctoral students for the winter semester 2024/2025 within the Project ‘Internationalization of Research and Transdisciplinary Education at the Doctoral School UWM in Olsztyn ’ has been opened. Please familiarise yourself with the regulations.

Maximum number of Scholarships: 5

Doctoral students must have submitted an IPB.

This scholarship will be in addition to the scholarships for doctoral students referred to in Article 209 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.

You can find more information about it here.