Biological sciences

Biological sciences

Duration of the programme: 4 years (8 semesters) 

Program description: 

The programme aims at teaching doctoral students modern methods, techniques and research methodology for the implementation of acquired knowledge and skills for PhD projects, preparation of new research projects and commercialization of research results. The program includes obligatory courses, highlighting basic and applied sciences, and lectures by visiting professors from various fields. The most important topics covered by the study program include: advanced methods of molecular biology (in genome and proteome research), modern microscopic techniques of cells and tissues imaging, preparation of scientific projects and commercialization of research results, advanced statistical methods in scientific research, teaching at a university, seminars and professional practice.

The program provides PhD students with the knowledge, skills and competences to develop their own ideas and concepts, preparation of new research projects, as well as to solve problems creatively.

Career opportunities:

The graduates have the knowledge and skills in the field of biology as well as academic teaching.

The graduates of the PhD programme will be well prepared to take postdoc trainings, continue research and work in academia, domestic and foreign research institutions, as well as work in specialized laboratories.


  • biology
  • molecular biology
  • genomics
  • proteomics
  • biotechnology
  • light and electron microscopy
  • laser microdissection
  • DNA sequencing
  • microarrays
  • flow cytometry
  • mass spectrometry

Candidates for PhD Supervisors

ORCID Number: 0000-0001-6641-5880
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Biochemistry
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: 89 523 39 38
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account: Not provided

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 37/42
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 748/992
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 16/18
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1701
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 23
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 0
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 1

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1) / No
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (how many) / No

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. The role of the vitamin D metabolic pathway in the etiology of various diseases (genetic and biochemical aspects)
  2. The role of the serotonin metabolic pathway in the etiology of various diseases (genetic and biochemical aspects)
  3. The role of opioid peptides in the etiology of diseases (genetic and biochemical aspects)

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Microbiology and Mycology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 89 523-42-34
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 33/34
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 766/924
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 15/16
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1267
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 17
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 1
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1 person)
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (1 person)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. The use of “omics” technology to understand the mechanisms of the co-production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and violacein by bacteria belonging to the genus Janthinobacterium.
  2. Analysis of transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome of Paracoccus homiensis during polyhydroxyalkanoates production using waste carbon sources.

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology
Faculty: School of Medicine, Collegium Medicum
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: (+48) 89 324 53 11
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Medical Sciences and Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 39/43
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 404/421
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 11/12
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): Not provided
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): Not provided
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 1
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 1

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (1)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Depression – brain-gut axis (metabolism, microbiome, changes in neurotransmission, forms of support during treatment)

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

Numer ORCID:

Katedra Botaniki i Ekologii Ewolucyjnej

Wydział Biologii i Biotechnologii

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

501 243 059


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Dyscyplina naukowa:
Nauki biologiczne

Wskaźniki dorobku naukowego

  1. Liczba publikacji naukowych WoS/ Scopus: 47
  2. Liczba cytowań (WoS/Scopus) bez autocytowań: 548
  3. Indeks Hirscha (WoS/Scopus): 17
  4. Liczba cytowań (Google Scholar): 1061
  5. Indeks Hirscha (Google Scholar): 18
  6. Liczba wypromowanych doktorów: 1
  7. Liczba doktorantów pod opieką: 0

Podejmę się opieki nad doktorantem

  • Polskim: Tak
  • Zagranicznym: Nie

Zainteresowania naukowe lub tematy badawcze oferowane kandydatom

  1. Model kryptycznej specjacji i powstania jednopienności u wątrobowców plechowatych prostych – studium przypadku na przykładzie gatunków Pellia sensu lato.

Fundusze lub specjalny sprzęt potrzebny do realizacji projektu doktorskiego

  • Czy są środki na pokrycie kosztów badań? Tak
  • Czy w Laboratorium/Katedrze/Instytucie dostępna jest infrastruktura i odpowiednie zasoby do obsługi zaplanowanych zadań badawczych? Tak

ORCID Number: 0000-0001-7202-4018
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Chemistry
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 601 761 291 / 89 523 39 35
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account: Not provided

Academic Discipline:
Agriculture and Horticulture / Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 53
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1368
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 24
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): Not provided
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): Not provided
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 1
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: No

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Antioxidant activity of biologically active compounds of plant origin

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0002-0661-130X
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: 603-967-375, 89 523 39 04
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 34/34
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 159/196
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 9/9
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 354
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 11
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 2 (as assistant supervisor)
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 1

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes – 1
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes – 1

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Determination of the molecular mechanisms of the kisspeptin action in the endometrium during the peri-implantation period – analyzes in the domestic pig model.

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
    Yes (partially)
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: 089 523 42 58
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 63/58
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1400/1504
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 17/18
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 2291
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 19
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 4
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 2

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Animal physiology
  2. Endocrinology
  3. Consequences of environmental pollution in the context of animal physiology
  4. Methods of molecular biology and bioinformatic analyses
  5. The proposed topic of PhD thesis: “Use of high-throughput methods to determine the effects of PET microplastics on cardiac function – research on the domestic pig model (Sus scrofa domestica L.)”

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 895233201
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 85
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 587
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 18
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1366
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 22
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 5
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 1

Supervision Availability:
Polish Doctoral Student: Yes
Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  • Wpływ pola elektromagnetycznego o ekstremalnie niskiej częstotliwości na mechanizmy zmian epigenetycznych w błonie mięśniowej macicy
    (The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field on mechanisms of epigenetic changes in the myometrium)

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0002-9951-0873
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Botany and Evolutionary Ecology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: (+48) 89 523-45-11
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 45
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 809
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 18
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1415
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 21
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 1
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 7

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1 position)
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (1 position)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Molecular mycology
  2. Genomics
  3. Metabarcoding
  4. Biocontrol of plant pathogenic fungi
  5. Plant pathology

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Environmental Biotechnology/Institute of Engineering and Environmental Protection
Faculty: Geoengineering
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 89 5234162
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Environmental engineering, mining and energy; Biological sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 80/84
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1325/1591
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 23/25
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 2204
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 29
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 4
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 2

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: ✔️
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: ✔️

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Microbial synthesis of biosurfactants
  2. Metagenomics of various environments

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0001-7693-9469
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Chemistry
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 507321724
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Agriculture and horticulture/Biological sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 79
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1191
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 22
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1753
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 24
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 5
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 0

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes (1)
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes (how many)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Plant proteins (e.g. lupine, rapeseed, nigella, etc.) as sources of surface active components
  2. Saponin biosurfactants – surface and biological activity

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-1643-026X
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: +48 89 5233937
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological sciences, veterinary sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 117/117
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1019/1019
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 23/23
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 2181
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 27
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 7
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 2

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Animal physiology, endocrinology of reproduction
  2. The Proposed Topic of PhD Thesis:
    “The effect of omentin on angiogenesis process and secretion of cytokines in endometrium of the pig (Sus scrofa domestica L.)”

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Plant Physiology, Genetics and Biotechnology
Faculty: Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: +48 89 523 4882; +48 514 784 480
Personal Website: Not provided
ResearchGate Account:

Academic Discipline:
Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS Core Collection/Scopus): WoS 65; Scopus 66
  2. Number of Citations (WoS Core Collection/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: WoS 612; Scopus 626
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 16/17
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1246
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 21
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 4
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 2

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: 1
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Not specified

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  • Plant reactions to stresses (i.e. metal and metal oxide nanoparticles and heavy metal ions): metabolic profiles of germinating seeds, developing seedlings, and vegetative tissues of mature plants; carbohydrate metabolism and antioxidant systems.
  • Proposed Topic:
    “The effect of silicon oxide nanoparticles on the cadmium tolerance in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)”

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-0856-3644
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology,
Faculty: School of Medicine,
University: Medicum, University of Warmia and Mazury
Telephone: +48502039553
Personal Website: Scopus Profile
ResearchGate Account: Joanna Wojtkiewicz

Academic Discipline:
Medical Sciences, Veterinary Science, Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 120/127
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1,195
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 21
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1969
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 25
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 4
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 3

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Students: Yes (4 positions)
  • Foreign Doctoral Students: Yes (1 position)

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Animal models (large and small) – pathomechanisms of selected diseases
  2. Bioethical and legal aspects in medicine, veterinary medicine, and education
  3. Epidemiological studies and human health – selected aspects
  4. Impact of selected harmful factors on living organisms (human, animal)
  5. Possibility of discussion and development of research topics according to the doctoral student’s interests (within the scope of my competencies)

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0002-4759-8113
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Botany and Evolutionary Ecology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: 792231746
Personal Website: Prof. Dr. Hab. Jakub Sawicki
ResearchGate Account: Jakub Sawicki
Academic Discipline: Biological Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 86
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1187
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 26
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 2351
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 27
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 4
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 1

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: 1
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: 1

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Molecular mechanism of adaptation to environment of leafy liverworts – case study of Scapania.

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number: 0000-0001-5364-1387
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Faculty: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 89 523-42-26
Personal Website: Not Available
ResearchGate Account: Nina Smolinska
Academic Discipline: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

Academic Achievement Indicators:

  1. Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 88/88
  2. Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 765/727
  3. Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 22/21
  4. Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 1689
  5. Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 24
  6. Number of Promoted Doctors: 7
  7. Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 3

Supervision Availability:

  • Polish Doctoral Student: Yes
  • Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes

Scientific Interests/Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Animal physiology
  2. Reproductive endocrinology
  3. Transcriptomics and proteomics
  4. Proposed Topics of PhD Thesis:
    • “The role of irisin in the pituitary of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica L.)”
    • “The role of irisin in the ovaries of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica L.)”

Funding and Resources for Doctoral Project:

  1. Is there funding available to cover the cost of research?
  2. Is the infrastructure and adequate resources available in the Laboratory/Chair to serve the planned research tasks?

ORCID Number:
Department/Chair/Institute: Department of Physics and Biophysics
Faculty: Faculty of Food Sciences
University: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Telephone: +48 516849233
Personal Website:
ResearchGate Account:
Academic Discipline: Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences

Academic Achievement Indicators:

Number of Publications (WoS/Scopus): 152 (WoS)
Number of Citations (WoS/Scopus) Without Self-Citations: 1912 (WoS)
Hirsch Index (WoS/Scopus): 30 (WoS)
Number of Citations (Google Scholar): 3608
Hirsch Index (Google Scholar): 33
Number of Promoted Doctors: 3
Number of Supervised Doctoral Students: 8

I Will Take on the Supervision of:

a Polish Doctoral Student: Yes
a Foreign Doctoral Student: Yes

Scientific Interests or Research Topics Offered to Candidates:

  1. Authenticity and quality of drugs by means of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance methods
  2. Dynamical properties of dendrimers from the perspective of biomedical applications
  3. Magnetic liposomes as contrast agents for medical diagnostics (MRI)
  4. Molecular properties of Ionogels and hydrogels for biomedical applications
  5. Crystalline versus amorphous state for biomolecules and pharmaceutical compounds

Funds or Special Equipment Required for the Doctoral Project:

Is There Funding Available to Cover the Cost of Research? Yes
Is the Infrastructure and Adequate Resources Available in the Laboratory/Chair to Serve the Planned Research Tasks? Yes